LS Direct



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Make a First Impression That Lasts with Direct Mail Marketing

During the awareness phase of the buying process, prospects become aware of a problem they have. This can be a passive act — like seeing a product featured by an influencer. Or they may be actively researching solutions. But a conversion is unlikely if your brand isn’t top of mind. Eighty-one percent of consumers say […]

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Luxury travel 2024

How Adventure and Luxury Companies Should Tailor Their Communications in 2024

As we have entered into a “post-pandemic” world, the travel industry is experiencing a significant resurgence. With eased travel restrictions, adventure and luxury travel brands are poised to capitalize on pent-up demand for exploration and relaxation. Here’s how these companies can adapt their communication strategies for 2024: Embrace the Travel Renaissance: With the world opening […]

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What’s the Best Timing for Direct Mail Retargeting?

The importance of direct mail retargeting in your marketing strategy is clear.  But how do you know when to send direct mail? >> Related: 4 Tips for Smarter Retargeting with Direct Mail << Timing is everything The end game of every direct mail marketing campaign is conversions. So, an important part of the marketing mix […]

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4 Tips for Smarter Retargeting with Direct Mail

Retargeting with direct mail – also known as direct mail remarketing – is an effective way to reconnect with potential customers who have previously interacted with your business but didn’t make a purchase. Whether they visited your website, clicked on an ad, or added items to their cart, retargeting with direct mail allows you to […]

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Stats That Show Why Direct Mail ROI Still Dominates Remarketing

New research shows that 74% of marketers agree that direct mail delivers the highest ROI of any marketing channel. Here’s why direct mail is such a potent marketing and remarketing tool. The undeniable power of direct mail Direct mail offers a tangible and physical presence that engages recipients in a unique way. Time and again, […]

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direct mail retargeting

Direct Mail Retargeting: Turning Tire Kickers Into Loyal Buyers

We live in a digital world. As such, brands invest their marketing spend in online strategies, such as search engine optimization, influencer collaboration and programmatic ads, to engage potential customers. But what happens when they leave your site without making a purchase? This is where direct mail retargeting comes in, delivering a tangible piece of […]

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