LS Direct



We love to share our insights and provide perspectives that we hope will help you better navigate the complexities of today’s marketplace.


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data-driven personalization

The Art & Science of Data-Driven Personalization

In our “what’s in it for me” world, directly addressing a customer or prospect’s needs, desires or pain points makes it more likely that they’ll entertain your offer. But let’s take it a step further. Instead of speaking to a need, imagine being able to tap into the ongoing conversation in the customer’s mind and […]

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postal retargeting and donor contributions

Postal Retargeting: How Going Offline Can Increase Donor Contributions

In today’s digital age, online marketing strategies dominate the landscape. But don’t underestimate the incremental power of postal retargeting. Postal retargeting — also referred to as programmatic direct mail — is a proven solution that allows nonprofits to reconnect with an audience that already has an active interest in your cause. The direct mail channel […]

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Direct mail as a redemption tool for email unsubscribers.

Resurrecting Buyer Relationships: Direct Mail as a Redemption Tool

Customers and prospects unsubscribe from email lists more and more every day — and their reasons vary. Forty-four percent of people say they simply receive too many emails. Another 14% click the unsubscribe button because they’re tired of your brand – they’ve decided they are no longer interested in what you have to offer. If […]

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metrics dashboards

How a Smart Dashboard Can Create a Strategic Marketing Metrics Hub

When it comes to successful marketing, 32% of CMOs agree that marketing metrics used to form competitive insights and analytics are the most critical factors. How does your brand track its marketing data, visualize KPIs and view reports that provide a true perspective on ROI? If you’re not yet leveraging the power of an intuitive […]

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customer loyalty

Keep Customers Coming Back for More – 3 Tips to Boost Customer Long-Term Loyalty

What makes customers consistently select one brand, despite a sea of comparable options?  It’s all about generating customer loyalty. Attracting new customers is just the beginning. Retaining them over time requires even more strategizing. And it’s not just the price that matters. Act fast to start building brand loyalty In a recent study, 43% of […]

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Inefficiencies of Direct Mail

Insights into Inefficiencies of Direct Mail: How to Overcome Them

The social impact of the pandemic triggered a renewed appreciation of postal mail among B2B and B2C customers. After months of isolation and digital overload, this channel delivered a tangible piece of a brand, while offering scalable results that marketers continue to rely on. Today’s consumers look forward to checking the mailbox. Four in 10 […]

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