LS Direct

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Unified marketing strategy

Turning Separate Marketing Functions into One Cohesive Strategy

Companies that integrate creativity, analytics and purpose are delivering at least two times the growth of their peers. Is it time to rethink your unified marketing strategy? In the past, many brands relied on a siloed marketing style, using separate teams to spearhead online and offline marketing. But simply co-existing isn’t enough to achieve your business goals anymore. Today, it’s […]

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direct mail marketing

Pushing the Envelope: The Direct Mail Marketing Success Checklist

Because it’s data-driven and personalized, direct mail marketing works better than ever to engage customers and prospects with its tangible, physical presence and ability to integrate with digital channels. Like any other effort, direct mail marketing works best with a well-thought-out plan of attack. Use this checklist of best practices to help make sure your […]

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retail direct mail

Retaining Customers with Direct Mail Marketing Solutions

You did the hard work to successfully convert your prospect into a customer. But the journey is far from over. By leveraging a mix of marketing channels and direct mail marketing solutions, you can increase your odds of creating repeat customers.  Next stop on the customer journey? The retention stage. After a customer makes a […]

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News & Events.

Furniture World Magazine Interview, featuring Jeff Horowitz.

Our CEO, Jeff Horowitz, sat down with Furniture World Magazine this month to discuss the ever-growing importance of direct mail attribution in determining the true ROI of your direct mail strategy and campaigns. “Using data from a customer’s past interactions with a retailer is a much more powerful data set to work with than purchasing demographic, psychographic and […]

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LS Direct Celebrates the Furniture Industry.

LS Direct is proud to be a participating sponsor in both the 2021 City of Hope award dinner and the American Home Furnishings Hall of Fame events, taking place in coordination with the High Point Market this October in North Carolina. The International Home Furnishings Industry Spirit of Life® City of Hope Award Dinner will […]

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LS Direct Supports Local Families this Holiday Season.

This December, LS Direct was proud to participate in the Vincent Crotty Memorial Foundation Holiday Family Sponsorship. This program aims to help families in the Suffern, NY area who are facing tough times due to deaths in the family, illnesses, job losses, devastating fires, divorces, Covid-19 issues, and more. In 2020, the generosity of the sponsors allowed the program to assist more families than ever.

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LS Direct December 9, 2020