LS Direct



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Unified marketing strategy

Turning Separate Marketing Functions into One Cohesive Strategy

Companies that integrate creativity, analytics and purpose are delivering at least two times the growth of their peers. Is it time to rethink your unified marketing strategy? In the past, many brands relied on a siloed marketing style, using separate teams to spearhead online and offline marketing. But simply co-existing isn’t enough to achieve your business goals anymore. Today, it’s […]

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direct mail marketing

Pushing the Envelope: The Direct Mail Marketing Success Checklist

Because it’s data-driven and personalized, direct mail marketing works better than ever to engage customers and prospects with its tangible, physical presence and ability to integrate with digital channels. Like any other effort, direct mail marketing works best with a well-thought-out plan of attack. Use this checklist of best practices to help make sure your […]

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retail direct mail

Retaining Customers with Direct Mail Marketing Solutions

You did the hard work to successfully convert your prospect into a customer. But the journey is far from over. By leveraging a mix of marketing channels and direct mail marketing solutions, you can increase your odds of creating repeat customers.  Next stop on the customer journey? The retention stage. After a customer makes a […]

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direct mail marketing

Using Direct Mail Marketing Programs to Convert Prospects

Buyers have different needs and expectations at each stage of the customer journey. But in the final decision phase, personalization can be especially effective. Sixty percent of consumers report that they will become repeat buyers after a personalized purchasing experience. So how can you connect with them in a way that feels personal and unique?  […]

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online shopping

Get More Conversions with an Omnichannel Customer Journey and Programmatic Direct Mail

Success in today’s crowded buyer marketplace correlates with how well you know your audience, and how you engage them from the very first interaction.  Seventy-seven percent of brands believe their buyer experience is a key competitive differentiator. To engage prospects and lead them to the sale, it’s all about mapping out a buyer journey with a […]

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local city event

Leveraging Direct Mail Retargeting for Visitor Event Marketing and New Movers

By Mike Robinson LS Direct Like most avid travelers, I’m always on the lookout for information about new destinations and events — not only for future trips, but in my local area as well. I’m also lucky that my profession (travel industry marketing specialist) intersects with my personal interests. So, I’m always thinking about innovative […]

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