conversion marketing

Conversion Marketing: 5 Tactics to Grow Your Revenue.

Conversion marketing — it’s not just about getting prospects to your website; it’s about getting them to act once they’re there. If you’re not turning browsers into buyers, are your efforts really working?

Your website’s conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who complete a desired goal. And that’s not always about making a purchase. They may include getting closer to one by interacting with a content asset, viewing a video or joining your email list.

The average website conversion rate is approximately 2.35%. On the best performing websites, it can be as high as 11%. If you’re not seeing results, it’s time to implement new tactics to improve your conversion marketing strategy.

>> Related: Why Direct Mail ROI Still Dominates Remarketing <<

Conversion marketing requires the total package
The success of your conversion marketing hinges on your ability to leverage traffic from multiple channels — social, email, organic search, referrals, QR codes — and encourage those potential customers to convert from your website.

The most effective approach is two-pronged: ramping up your efforts to drive traffic to your site and best optimizing your site to guide them to act, also known as CRO or conversion rate optimization. The most effective conversion marketing employs tactics from both. And you should too:

  1. Create value-driven messaging. Someone clicked on your website. Now what? Guide them with clear navigation, bold headlines and relevant information. Ensure your messaging describes what the product is, how it will help solve their challenges, and most importantly, how and where they can purchase it now. (See #2 for a clear CTA). You may also consider incorporating videos like a how-to, demo or testimonial, as these can help increase conversion by as much as 86%.
  2. Emphasize your call to action. Conversion marketing is straight-forward with a direct call to action. Give your visitors a sense of urgency. Tell them exactly what you need them to do at that moment, whether it’s subscribing to your newsletter or buying the item.
  3. Enhance website navigation. Website structure matters. From headings to tabs to sub-tabs, your site requires structure and fluidity to deliver an optimal user experience — or risk your prospects taking their dollars elsewhere. The path from point A to point B should be mapped out in the fewest number of steps possible without potential customers having to overthink it.
  4. Explore traffic-driving channels and retargeting efforts. Track where your visitors are coming from to identify and retarget top-performing channels. For example, if a substantial number of prospects are visiting your site via a QR code from a direct mail postcard, invest in this channel for future campaigns. And once they convert, you may also retarget them via a personalized direct mail piece to promote subsequent purchases. At LS Direct, we offer a cost-effective, hyper-personalized direct mail solution that targets your website visitors, turning them into transactional shoppers. Learn more about our Boomerang direct® solution.
  5. Test your landing pages. From headlines to calls to action to color schemes, it’s critical to test different elements of your landing pages to see if they’re meeting your conversion goals — or where they’re falling flat.A/B testing or split testing, for example, allows you to compare two different versions of a landing page to determine which is more effective. This method can provide a better picture of how different words, images or even fonts can impact customer behavior.

Only 22% of companies are satisfied with their conversion rate. At LS Direct, our dedicated client services team can help you generate more conversions with our dual data-driven/personalized direct mail campaigns.

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