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How to Use Intent Data for Marketing Success.

Turning Customer Signals into Sales Action

The most effective marketing is thoughtfully targeted and personalized. From demographics to engagement to purchase history, intent data is a powerful tool, helping marketers deliver the information their audience needs, when they need it.

But if you’re looking to increase retention rates and close more deals, there’s another type of data that can tackle those initiatives and more: Intent data.

What is Intent Data?

Intent data reveals a prospect’s level of interest in your product or service — and whether they intend to buy from you — based on the collection and analysis of data points like their online research, pages visited, and content consumed. And not only does it include your website, but it also gives you visibility into where they are looking more broadly and who they might be engaging with.

These data point, or intent signals, can clue you in on who’s ready to pull the trigger and make a purchase, and support your marketing strategy from the top of the funnel downward.

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How to Use Intent Data

Reading (and leveraging) their signals. Customers show their intent every time they browse a website. Whether they’re checking out a webinar or downloading your app, you can use that knowledge to create more relevant experiences that drive them toward a sale.

Evaluate market trends. Knowing your market is the most efficient way to optimize campaigns and boost their ROI.

When you know what prospects are searching for, what questions they’re asking and the competitors they might be considering, you can adjust your content and messaging accordingly.

Get more personal. Enhanced behavioral and contextual data gives your brand a huge advantage in reaching them with personalized content that’s relevant to their journey. Are they reading industry reviews to narrow down their decision? Make testimonials a part of your sales pitch.

Are they still mulling over the benefits of your solution? Offer them a guide that highlights the challenges your product can help overcome. Create customized, timely messaging that touches on their pain points no matter where they are in the sales funnel.

Prioritize efforts (and budget allocation). Save time and resources by targeting prospects who are closest to making a purchase. Potential buyers who are homing in on your brand may be the lowest hanging fruit for a quick conversion.

Improve timing. Timing is everything. If you’re too late to reach to your prospects, someone else may have already stepped in.

Utilize intent signals to learn who’s interested in your types of products or services and reach out to them earlier in their purchasing journey with the right content to introduce your brand.

Hone your account-based marketing. This type of marketing is all about collecting different types of data to build and nurture relationships. Intent signals can help you identify more in-market customers, customize your messaging and generate more precise lead scoring so you can target prospects who are mostly likely to convert.

Identify opportunities to cross-sell and upsell. They think they know what they need, but do they know your brand also offers X, Y and Z to complement it? Be more proactive in your content strategy by cross-selling or upselling the products or solutions customers might not know they need.

If you’re ignoring intent signals, you’re missing out on opportunities to engage and convert. There are a number of methods for obtaining valuable intent data based on your revenue goals.

For more information on how to use intent signals to increase the return on your marketing spend, get a demo of the LS Direct platform today.

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