LS Direct

Digitally Driven Direct Mail for Home Furnishings

Grow online & offline sales, increase store foot
traffic, and improve customer loyalty – all while
leveraging the tangible and trustworthy nature of
direct mail.


Why use Direct Mail for your Home Furnishings Brand?

  • Acquire New Customers Efficiently
  • Engage with Customers throughout their Buying Journey
  • Convert Prospects & Web Visitors
  • Retain Current Customers
  • Reactivate Lapsed or Lost Buyers

Real Results

Postcards Mailed
Revenue Created
Mailed ROAS
See How We Can Help

Benefits of Direct Mail Retargeting

LS Direct supports our Home Furnishings clients with proven solutions to build engagement and drive conversions. By combining insights from consumer behavior data with geographic and demographic information, marketers can craft personalized outreach communications with messaging that resonates deeply. Our programs combine the strengths of online and offline marketing with critical analytics and data to optimize campaigns for powerful returns.

LS Direct is a true business partner. They bring us innovative ideas, like website retargeting with Boomerang direct®, and their team always re-optimizes who we mail to bring the highest incremental return on our marketing spend.

- Furniture Customer


online shopping

Get More Conversions with an Omnichannel Customer Journey and
Programmatic Direct Mail

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Stats That Show Why Direct Mail ROI Still Dominates Remarketing

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retail direct mail

4 Tips for Smarter Retargeting with Direct Mail

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Interested in learning how our solutions can scale your business?

LS Direct July 25, 2024